“This is a Sticker” Sticker
Take a look at the photo… Imagine it measures 4“ in diameter, because it does. There you have it. Wear it as a huge pastie (maybe plan ahead and get a pair), or slap it on your Tesla to show people you’re a badass. Wherever you end up putting it, post a photo on Instagram and tag us @gunslingertattooco Every once in awhile we’ll probably send a reward to someone who put it somewhere particularly amazing or ridiculous… Be that someone.
Take a look at the photo… Imagine it measures 4“ in diameter, because it does. There you have it. Wear it as a huge pastie (maybe plan ahead and get a pair), or slap it on your Tesla to show people you’re a badass. Wherever you end up putting it, post a photo on Instagram and tag us @gunslingertattooco Every once in awhile we’ll probably send a reward to someone who put it somewhere particularly amazing or ridiculous… Be that someone.
Take a look at the photo… Imagine it measures 4“ in diameter, because it does. There you have it. Wear it as a huge pastie (maybe plan ahead and get a pair), or slap it on your Tesla to show people you’re a badass. Wherever you end up putting it, post a photo on Instagram and tag us @gunslingertattooco Every once in awhile we’ll probably send a reward to someone who put it somewhere particularly amazing or ridiculous… Be that someone.