Frequently Asked Questions
What are your COVID-19 protocols?
— Both Leif and Chris are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated visitors, especially PSU students, are encouraged to wear masks. Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 is asked to refrain from entering the studio. Frankly, if you are sick at all, be considerate and stay home.
Do you take walk-ins?
— Leif works by appointment only, so he does not accept walk-ins. However, Chris is available for walk-ins, as his availability permits.
Are there places you will not tattoo?
— We will not tattoo inside your mouth. Other than that, it is at the discretion of the individual artist. Feel free to ask about a location you are uncertain about.
What should I consider when designing my tattoo?
— When you’re considering tattoo design ideas, it is helpful to keep a few things in mind:
What area of your body do you want tattooed?
Is the size you are imagining appropriate for the amount of detail you want?
Will this be a standalone design, or will it be incorporated with others in the future?
What sort of color scheme do you envision?
Does your occupation have any tattoo regulations that you need to consider?
Can you afford the ink you want?
Ready to get inked? Head to our Project Proposal form and let’s get started!
Can I bring a friend to my appointment?
—You are allowed to bring exactly one friend with you to your appointment, unless all of the people in your group are booked for tattoo sessions on the same day.
Please consider the fact that the opinions of your friends are of minimal importance when you are choosing or analyzing placement and design of your tattoo. It is your body, and unless your friend is an accomplished body artist, their opinion should not be allowed to heavily influence your decisions regarding how your tattoo looks. Trust your artist, and yourself, to make decisions about your tattoo.
Understand going into this that it is very important to have minimal distractions while the artists work, so please choose your accompanying person with that in mind. Chatty McChatsalot should be eliminated from your shortlist of potential guests. For reasons of sanitation, absolutely no animals are allowed in the studio at any time.
What is the best way to contact your shop to book an appointment?
— When we are in the shop, we are doing what we do best..tattooing! The ONLY options for new/prospective clients to contact Gunslinger Tattoo Co. are by either sending an email to getinked@gunslingertattoo.com or by filling out the Project Proposal form. In order to receive a response, include all of the information requested on the form. We are very busy, so please respect these guidelines if you wish to book with one of our artists. The volume of emails we receive is overwhelming, to say the least, so please be patient with our reply times. Both artists are booked out a bare minimum of weeks in advance, so requests for same-day or same-week appointments are usually impossible to accommodate, and are unlikely to receive a reply.
Do you do cover up tattoos?
— The easy answer.. it depends! Fill out the Project Proposal form and attach a photo of the tattoo you are hoping to cover up, along with your desired design idea, if you have one. We will contact you to discuss your project further.
What is your shop minimum?
— Our shop minimum is $75. Please be aware that our shop minimum is for small tattoos that can be completed in under 30 minutes.
I have an appointment booked! How do I prepare for my session?
— Click here to visit our page with everything you need to know about prepping for your tattoo session.
is there subject matter you do not tattoo?
— If what you want is racist or hateful, we will not tattoo it, period.
What should I wear to my session?
— It’s important to be comfortable. Relaxed, flexible, loose fitting clothing is always a good idea when getting a tattoo. Your artist needs unrestricted access to the area of the body that will be tattooed, and the more comfortable you are, the better your experience will be overall. If there are any particular clothing requirements for your tattoo, your artist will be sure to give you specifics before your appointment.
Do you do piercings?
— Nope
What are your shop hours?
— Studio hours are almost always by appointment only, but if you want to stop in on the off chance one of the artists is available, studio hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 11:00 am-6:00pm
I don’t know what I want for a tattoo! Any ideas?
—Creative freedom is what we live for here at Gunslinger Tattoo Co. If you’re itching for ink, but you just can’t figure out what you want for a tattoo, we can help. Sometimes, all you need is a good sit-down with an artist who has a knack for synthesizing ideas and scattered thoughts into evocative imagery that fits and flows with your body. Thankfully, nothing makes our artists happier than doing exactly that. If you’re interested in a consultation, or if you’d like to book free-hand tattoo session with Leif, let him know via our Project Proposal form. If you’re interested a getting a piece of unique tattoo art, but you don’t really need it to be intensely personal, you can also go check out some of the existing tattoo designs that Leif and Chris have ready to be put to skin. Click here to view Leif’s available designs, and click here for Chris’ available designs.
Do you require a deposit?
— Yes. Typically, a deposit equal to the shop minimum of $75 or 25% of your tattoo estimate (whichever is greater) will be required when booking your appointment. Deposits may be larger at the discretion of the artist. Deposits are refundable only within the first 48 hours after booking. Please understand that this is a business that runs on appointments. If you simply do not show up for your scheduled appointment, you will be charged an additional deposit equal to your original deposit amount to reschedule for a new day. For a complete explanation, please see our Deposit and Billing Policy.
How do I take care of my tattoo after it is complete?
— Taking care of your tattoo is very important. Visit our Aftercare page for easy steps to follow!
How old do I have to be to get a tattoo?
— In the State of New Hampshire, you must be at least 18 years old to get a tattoo. New Hampshire does not allow minors to be tattooed with parental consent. You MUST provide a valid form of ID to receive a tattoo. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.
Book an appointment
Do you have a tattoo design idea? Fill out the Project Proposal form below to bring your tattoo to life!